Your start-up kit of programming languages to become a professional developer

Ajay K S
4 min readOct 21, 2020

We are all using software in our day-to-day life perhaps for word processing, problem solving, communicating and many other purposes. Now you may have plenty of questions popping up in your mind regarding how these things are working and how actually programmers write code. Have you been researching how to become a successful programmer and which programming language you should start with? If it is so, you are at the right place. Yes, this blog is for you!

Now as a primo,

What is programming?

Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable instruction/code to achieve a specific task. The purpose of programming is to generate a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task on a computer often for solving real life problems. It involves tasks such as analyzing the requirement, designing, generating algorithms, resource consumption and the implementation of algorithms in a chosen programming language.

Every programming language has its unique set of words, syntax for organizing your instruction.

So, here you should know the top 5 in-demand programming languages which are being used in various domain.

1. Python

Python is an easiest interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. It consists of a lot of code libraries and it makes the language simplest and easy to use.

Used for:

· Data Science

· Data Analytics

· Web Development (more often Back-end developing)

· Artificial Intelligence

· Machine Learning & Deep Learning

2. Java

Java is a class-based, Object Oriented Programming language which is used to

build large enterprise class application. It works great in corporate environment and large-scale system as well.

Used for:

· Android Application Development

· Game Development

· Big Data

· Web Development

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting/programming language which allows the user to implement complex features on web pages. JavaScript is usually used with Mark-up languages such as HTML & CSS to make the website to look more dynamic and also to process the entered dynamic data.

Used for:

· Web Development

· Mobile App Development

· Server less Computing

· Online Game Development

4. C#

C# (pronounced as: see sharp) is also a high-level, multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language. C# has feature of powerful attributes that can add metadata information to your assemblies.

Used for:

· Server-Side programming

· Software for Windows Platform

· Game Development

· Web Development

· App Development

5. C/C++

C is a Procedural language and doesn’t support classes and object. C++ supports both Procedural and Object-Oriented programming. This makes programming so easier and efficient. The syntax of both C and C++ are nearly identical.

Used for:

· System Programming

· Game Development

· Operating System Development

· IoT and Real-Time Systems

These are all the basic things that you should know before thinking of becoming a successful programmer. And also, you have plenty of resources and courses available online to learn. “Practice makes a man perfect” right?

Here are few coding challenge websites where you can practice coding and become good in your field of interest.

· HackerRank

· CodeChef

· Codewars

· LeetCode

· CoderByte

· freeCodeCamp

· TopCoder




Ajay K S

A person with a heart to love, a mind to imagine, pair of hands to create, fueled by dreams!!!